This September, I taught a five-day landscape photography retreat called Zen Ocean, Zen Light at my home on the beautiful north Oregon coast. Ten sweet photographers from around the country joined me, and we tromped all over the coastline with our cameras. I couldn’t have asked for a better group of compassionate, creative souls. I feel so deeply inspired by the images they created!
We watched the light shift, ate amazing food, had long, lovely conversations about art and life, and listened to the waves. We even made s’mores over a fire and played with glow sticks one night! So much fun!
Here’s a selection of images from participants Karen Carson, Karen Constine, Pam Farmer, Sandy Brown Jensen, Jerry Kohler, Landry Major, Leslie Noe, Terri Smith, Renée Taylor, and Wendy Woodby. I’ve also included some snaps of the photographers in the field, so you can see us in action.
Click on the first image to open the slideshow. Enjoy!
Sending love and light from the rainy Oregon coast,
p.s. If you need a little inspiration for your next photo adventure, I have a free, four-day e-course you might enjoy. You can sign up right here and I’ll send you the first lesson right away. Happy photographing!