Studio Chat: Finding Deeper Meaning in Your Photographs — Light Atlas Creative

 Studio Chat:
Finding Deeper Meaning in your Photographs

Join me in my home studio for a conversation about discovering deeper meaning in your images.

If you often catch yourself thinking: “Do I have anything important to say with my work? Or am I just making pretty pictures?”, this is for you.

I’ll share intuitive exercises drawn from my own creative practice, helpful clarifying questions to use as journaling prompts, and beautiful image examples. We’ll also “workshop” your photographs with a deep dive into your archive. And, I’ll guide you through a step-by-step brainstorming session to help you make powerful, illuminating connections between your art and your life.

I’ll also share a personal story about ignoring the obvious message in a collection of my images (and how finally seeing the truth changed everything for me).

You’ll come away with at least one new collection of images, new language to describe your vision, and greater clarity about who you are as an artist. If you’ve been wanting to create portfolios, website galleries, or a more cohesive style, the Studio Chat will be immensely helpful. This is some of the most transformational, enlightening work I’ve done as an artist - and I’m excited to share it with you.

If it’s been a while since you had a big aha moment with your photography…join me!

Laura, your classes are among the best I’ve ever participated in – really packed with both hard-core information from someone who knows what she’s talking about, plus targeted and realistic encouragement and inspiration. Your presence and tone are consistent and your responsiveness to students is fabulous. I’ve taken a lot of online courses and your professionalism is matchless.
— Lorraine Day

The Experience...

As soon as you sign up, you’ll get access to the Studio Chat. It’s a ~2.5 hour video that you can watch whenever you like (cozied up with an afghan and a glass of vino…or bright and early with your coffee). You’ll have lifetime access, so you can revisit it whenever you like.

The Chat

Welcome to my home! Let’s get started…

This is for you if…

One of the things that comes up the most in my mentoring sessions with photographers is: confusion and uncertainty about what their photographs MEAN. This might show up for you in a few different ways:

  • You have a huge archive...but it feels random. You'd love to have a clear personal vision (like more established artists), but you can't see the forest for the trees. You feel like you have to start working in "projects" but every time you come up with a project idea it winds up feeling forced and you lose steam.

  • You want to improve and potentially share your work...but you don't have meaningful groups of images and you can't talk about your work in meaningful ways (because it's hard to form conclusions when your vision is pretty scattershot).

  • You see other artists making gorgeous portfolios with powerful themes...but you can't get past the stage where you’re grouping images by broad genres ("Portraits!" "Architecture!" "Landscapes!"), which feels disappointingly shallow and still results in pretty random collections of images.

If that sounds like you, this Studio Chat will help.

Listen to Laura talk about which photographers are a good fit for this Studio Chat...

A bit about me...

I’m Laura Valenti, the artist behind Light Atlas Creative. I’ve had my fingers in a lot of pots in the art world, for over 20 years now. I teach interactive e-courses, support emerging photographers in my creative mentoring program, speak to photo groups, and curate exhibitions for galleries and photo festivals around the world. I also jury photo competitions and serve as a reviewer at portfolio review events, where I help photographers fine-tune their vision and promote their work with confidence. 

I often talk to photographers who are confused about what their work means. Their images feel random and disconnected from anything personal. They feel like they’re missing something that “real artists” have.

I created this offering to help you connect the dots. Your work does have deeper meaning. This Studio Chat will empower you to see it.

Studio Chat Bundle

Bundle both of my available Studio Chats and get a lovely discount! When you sign up for the bundle, you’ll get this chat plus Studio Chat: Creating Your Own Opportunities, a rich conversation about getting your work “out there” without waiting for art-world gatekeepers to pick you.

When you sign up for the Studio Chat Bundle, you get immediate, lifetime access to both chats.

Ready to discover powerful new meaning in your images?

Join me in my studio!

Laura, you have truly been an inspiration. I was stymied about my future directions in photography and you have armed me with an entire arsenal of ideas and exciting new pathways.
— Christopher Drake
Laura, you are really a wonderful, inspiring, uplifting teacher. I have never come away from one of your classes not feeling really good about myself and my photography and more importantly, learning something that will ultimately help me improve my craft.
— Cathy Panebianco

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to be online at a specific time?

The Studio Chat is entirely self paced and you can watch it on your own schedule. No need to show up for an awkwardly-scheduled Zoom session! You can take as much time as you need to savor it fully, and you can rewatch it as needed.

Will I get personal feedback on my photographs?

The Studio Chat is a pre-recorded video workshop, so individual feedback isn’t available. If you’d like dedicated 1-on-1 guidance, sign up for a mentoring session (or package) here. Mentoring is a fantastic addition to the Studio Chat experience.

What's your refund policy?

My classes are very highly rated, and many students take them more than once. Because you'll get immediate access to the Studio Chat and all class resources (and because you’ll have lifetime access), your registration isn't refundable. 

Is the Studio Chat good for beginners? What about more advanced photographers?

Photographers at all levels will feel right at home in this Studio Chat. It’s never too early (or too late) to deepen your understanding of your art. If you’re a newer photographer, the chat will help you find meaning in your photographs for the first time. If you’re a more advanced photographer, the chat will help you reinvigorate or pivot your practice.

How long do I get to keep the Studio Chat?

You’ll have lifetime access, so you can revisit it as needed.

Your gentle, unwavering encouragement and example made me not just a better photographer, but also a better person, improving my life beyond measure. For these things, I am so very grateful.
— Rebecca Benoit
Your courses are a therapeutic relief.
— Morag McRoberts